Former group member Dr. Farhad Karimi, graduate student Shuva Mitra, former group member Sina Soleimanikahnoj, and Prof. Irena Knezevic coauthored the recent publication “Plasmon-enhanced optical nonlinearity in graphene nanomeshes” in Physical Review B. [Publisher’s link] …
Undergrad Sean Sanders receives 3rd place in Best Poster Competition at IWCN in Barcelona, Spain
UW ECE undergrad and QTTS member Sean Sanders received 3rd place in Best Poster Competition at the 2023 International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology, held June 12-16, 2023, at Casa Convalescencia in Barcelona, Spain. Sean presented …
New publication: Terahertz conductivity of monolayer molybdenum disulfide (J. Comput. Electron.)
Graduate student Shuva Mitra, assistant scientist Dr. Laleh Avazpour, and Prof. Irena Knezevic coauthored a recent publication “Terahertz conductivity of monolayer MoS2” in Journal of Computational Electronics. [Publisher’s link] Abstract: We calculate the electrical conductivity …
New publication: Incoherent-to-coherent crossover in thermal transport through III–V alloy superlattices (Appl. Phys. Lett.)
QTTS members assistant scientist Dr. Laleh Avazpour, graduate student Kubra Eryilmaz, and Prof. Irena Knezevic, together with experimental collaborators from the UW and Penn State, coauthored the recent paper “Incoherent-to-Coherent Crossover in Thermal Transport Through …
Graduate student and powerlifter Sam Belling sets Wisconsin state record in bench press
UW ECE graduate student and QTTS member Sam Belling is also an accomplished powerlifter! At a recent Tournament of Power in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, Sam squatted 584 pounds, dead-lifted 610 pounds, and benched 458 pounds, …
New publication: Inflow boundary conditions and nonphysical solutions to the Wigner transport equation (J. Comput. Electron.)
Graduate students Kubra Eryilmaz and Sina Soleimanikahnoj, former group member Dr. Olafur Jonasson, and Prof. Irena Knezevic coauthored the recent publication “Inflow boundary conditions and nonphysical solutions to the Wigner transport equation” in Journal of …
Congratulations to Michelle King on defending her PhD
Congratulations to Michelle King, who graduated with her PhD in Materials Science and Engineering in August 2021! She will be joining Synopsys in Portland, Oregon, as an Applications Engineer.
New publication: Second-order optical nonlinearity in TMD nanotriangles (Phys. Rev. B Letter)
Former group member Dr. Farhad Karimi, PhD student Sina Soleimanikahnoj, and Prof. Irena Knezevic coauthored the recent publication “Tunable plasmon-enhanced second-order optical nonlinearity in transition-metal-dichalcogenide nanotriangles,” Phys. Rev. B (Letter) 103, L161401 (2021). [Publisher’s link] [Preprint on …
New publication: Density-Matrix Model for Photon-Driven Transport in Quantum Cascade Lasers (Phys. Rev. Applied)
PhD students Sina Soleimanikahnoj and Michelle King, along with Prof. Irena Knezevic, coauthored the recently published paper “Density-Matrix Model for Photon-Driven Transport in Quantum Cascade Lasers,” Phys. Rev. Applied 15, 034045 (2021). (2021). [Publisher’s link] [Preprint …
New publication and open-source code: DECaNT (Diffusion of Excitons in Carbon NanoTubes)
PhD student Sam Belling, undergraduate student Yichen Li, former group members Dr. Amirhossein Davoody and Alex Gabourie, and Prof. Irena Knezevic coauthored the recently published “DECaNT: Simulation Tool for Diffusion of Excitons in Carbon Nanotube …