PhD student Sina Soleimanikahnoj, former group members Dr. Olafur Jonasson and Dr. Farhad Karimi, and Prof. Irena Knezevic coauthored the recently published “Numerically efficient density-matrix technique for modeling electronic transport in midinfrared quantum cascade lasers,” J. …
Knezevic Receives UW-Madison Distinguished Teaching Award
Professor Knezevic receives Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award
Dr. Stefan Schmidt joins the group as Assistant Scientist. Welcome, Stefan! Sam Belling joins the group as a new graduate student. Welcome, Sam! Kubra Korkmaz joins the group as a new graduate student. Welcome, Kubra! …
September: Amirhossein is leaving to joing Intel Corp. in Hillsboro, OR. Congratulations and good luck! September: Dr. Laleh Avazpour joins the group as a postdoc. Welcome, Laleh!
Farhad and Song graduated — congratulations! Song is going to Topcon, NJ. Farhad will stay at the UW as a postdoc. Professor Knezevic received the Patricia and Michael Splinter Professorship in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Song …
December 2016: Amirhossein and Oli defended their PhDs — congratulations! September 2016: New graduate student Michelle King joined the group. Welcome, Michelle! She will be pursuing a PhD in the MS&E Department. August 2016: Leon …
September 2015: Oli, Farhad, Song, and Prof. Knezevic give talks at IWCE 2015 at Purdue! Click on the links to see their talks. September 2015: Amirhossein gave a contributed talk at SISPAD in Washington, DC. May 2015: Yanbing defended his dissertation — …
December 2014: Nishant defended his dissertation — congratulations! He is starting a postdoc position at the James Franck Institute at the University of Chicago, IL. August 2014: Leon, Oli, and Farhad will give talks at ICPS …
November 2013: Nishant defended his prelim — congratulations! July 2013: Zlatan is leaving the group to start his new job as an Assistant Professor in EECS at the University of Massachusetts, Amhers! Congratulations, Zlatan! June …